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TLC's new program Craft Wars has inspired me to use their craft challenges to create my own unique crafts that I would make if I were on this TV show.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Halloween Challenge with Black Garbage Cans Part One

Craft Wars had a Halloween Challenge to create an outdoor Halloween display using outdoor/gardening items like big black garbage cans, sprinklers, rakes, terra cotta pots, trash bags, etc.  I've come up with 3 nifty ideas.  This is the first easy craft for your yard!


Step one: Turn the garbage can upside down
Step two: Use a white crayon to draw a Halloween scene, just like you would on a pumpkin.  Okay, I am going to admit here that my drawing skills aren't totally awesome so I did cheat a bit.  We have one of those pumpkin carving kits that have lots of cool ideas.  I used one of the carving ideas to free hand draw on my black garbage can.
Step three: Use a small drill bit and make lots of little holes on the outline of the Halloween scene.
Step four: Paint your scene so it will look cool during the daytime, enough to stand out so people don't drive by your house and wonder why you have a big ole garbage can in the middle of your grass all the time.
Step five: If you want to make two of these, just cut the garbage can in half! I've already promised the other half to my son to make something great.

Ready to see the finished project????  I put mine near our porch in some bushes.  It looks a little crooked in those bushes, I'll have to fix that before Halloween night!


At Night

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